- We welcome feedback, but cannot spend time on opinions that come from members who have not read, do not follow the rules or have not spent sufficient quality time on the forum and therefore do not understand the spirit of Chef at Large.
- Therefore, if you'd like to give feedback, please ensure:
- You have read and understood the rules
- You follow the rules
- You have spent at least 6 months on the forum with a fair amount of interaction, including but not limited to liking, commenting and posting among other forms of participation.
- If you do not satisfy one or more of the above criteria, while we will not accord priority to your feedback, we are happy to help clarify the rules. Please contact the Moderators if you wish to do so.
- The issue with discussions/feedback on the main wall is that those who do not satisfy the above criteria jump into the discussion, along with many others each of whom may have different agendas, thus making it a free for all, and not at all productive.
- Please therefore write to moderators@chefatlarge.in for any sort of discussion on the rules, moderation or related subjects.
Why do you not allow discussion of the rules or feedback on the main wall? Print
Modified on: Tue, 2 Aug, 2016 at 2:58 PM
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